Primary 5&6 Creative Phrases for Chinese Composition Writing
Use the creative phrases in this book as the building blocks for your compositions! 用本书的好词好句为你的作文添砖加瓦,让你的作文更出色! This series helps you develop the ability to express yourself fluently by providing: 本系列通过以下几点帮助你学习与掌握流利表达的写作技能: Creative phrases that are based on a wide variety of commonly-tested...
Primary 6 Daily Dose of Mathematics
Covers all topics in the textbook Daily bite-size exercises Step-by-step full worked solutions Daily Dose of Mathematics is designed for pupils to build on their knowledge and skills learnt in schools and guide them towards mastery in Mathematics through consistent...
Primary 6 Foundation Complete Mathematics Essentials
Complete Maths Essentials is a series of topical practice developed by experienced school teachers.It is designed to close potential gaps in pupils’ learning of key concepts and skills in class.Worked examples and practices are carefully crafted to highlight key takeaways...
PSLE Science Trending Exam Questions QR (2ED)
Developed for Primary 5 and 6 pupils taking Science PSLE, questions in Trending Examination Questions: PSLE Science are designed to simulate the most recent actual PSLE questions (MCQs and OEQs). Attempting these questions exposes pupils to alternative contexts and/or phrasings...
PSLE Daily Dose of Science QR
PSLE Daily Dose of Science is designed to help pupils recall, apply and reinforce Scienceconcepts and skills learnt in schools, and prepare them for school-based weightedassessments and the PSLE through bite-size daily practices.This book comprises 175 daily practices, organised into...
Upper Block Janet Sim’s Science Guided Practice
Learn-as-you-do questions Teacher's mark-ups and comments Covers all learning outcomes Suitable for self-learning Topical and Thematic revision papers Janet’ Sim’s Science Guided Practice consists of a set of topical practices that are thoughtfully designed to develop an understanding of blocks...
Primary 6 Step-by-Step Mathematics
Creative Approach to Process Skill Analysis Answers and worked solutions to all questions Explanations to difficult questions Learning Outcomes Revision Papers Graded Content Step-by-Step Mathematics is a series of six books written in strict accordance with the latest Primary Mathematics...
Primary 6 Daily Dose Of English
Comprehensive Range of Components 200 Daily Practices Focus on one component a day Daily Dose of English is part of a series of 6 books that includes language components appearing in tests and examinations. This book comprises 200 daily practices,...
PSLE Foundation Science Topical Revision
This is a useful book for pupils to revise topics in the Foundation Science syllabus. - Includes all topics covered from Primary 3 to 6 Foundation Science- Divided into Lower Block and Upper Block- 15 topical practices with each comprising...
Primary 6 Challenging English 4-in-1
Intensive and challenging exercises on • Vocabulary • Grammar • Comprehension • Composition Model answers provided Challenging English 4-in-1 covers the important aspects of English that are essential in helping pupils build a strong foundation in the language. Vocabulary: Challenging...
Primary 6 Spot On PSLE English Exam Analysis and Guide QR
This book features valuable insights into past years’ papers, as well as helpful study notes and practices which allow students to study smart, spend their time productively and optimise scores. Ace your English examination with Spot On PSLE English Exam...
Upper Block Janet Sim's Science OEQs
Upper Block Janet Sim's Science OEQs is carefully crafted to support pupils' consistent and progressive learning in their Science courses.This book adopts a thematic approach incorporating topics from Upper Block Science. Worksheets with frequently-asked OEQs200 topical OEQs with six revision...
Primary 6 Intensive Mathematics Drills
Develop strong foundation progressively Questions in 3 difficulty levels Answers with full worked solutions Intensive Mathematics Drills is a series of six books written in accordance with the latest MOE Primary Mathematics Syllabus. To help pupils develop competency and optimise...
Primary 3-6 Science Thematic Dictionary
- SCIENCE KEY WORDS In each theme, important SCIENCE KEY WORDS are arranged alphabetically for quick and easy checking of meanings.- USEFUL NOTES USEFUL NOTES provided for each SCIENCE KEY word helps pupils grasp KEY concepts required In the Primary...
PSLE Preparing For PSLE Mathematics
This series is written based on the latest Primary School Leaving Examination format. It is written with the aim of preparing Primary 6 pupils for the Primary School Leaving Examination. Closely simulating the actual Primary School Leaving Examination paper, the...
Upper Block Janet Sim’s Science Worksheets
Janet Sim's Science Worksheets is carefully crafted to support pupils’ consistent and progressive learning in their Primary Science course. Each worksheet aims for targeted practice in sections of a chapter. The multiple-choice and open-ended questions have a wide range of...
Primary 6 Daily Dose Of Chinese 华文日日补
每日一练,共200篇练习 每篇练习专注于一种题型,旨在训练学生的答题技巧 《华文日日补》根据最新《小学华文》的内容和考试格式编写。 本书依照学校的教学进度,将内容分为四个学期,共有200篇练习,每篇练习专注于一种题型。 本书犹如人们每日服食的维生素一般,学生每日只需花不超过15分钟的时间,就能巩固对华文的知识,训练答题的技巧,从而提升华文的水平。 Author :Y. M. Htun Publisher Year:2020 Book Pages :392
Primary 6 Complete Practice Book for Grammar, Vocabulary & Comprehension (3ED)
The Complete Practice Book for Grammar, Vocabulary and Comprehension series aims to provide pupils with comprehensive practice for all Paper 2 (Language Use and Comprehension) components to develop their mastery of the English language. To supplement pupils’ learning, this book...
Primary 6 Tackling Chin Language usage
项目多样化 附课文词表和项目小贴士 语文应用是小学华文考试的主要项目之一,考核范围以课文词语为主。 本系列根据华文课本《欢乐伙伴》编写,旨在帮助学生专攻语文应用题。 本系列提供各类语文应用题目的技巧和经典试题,让学生轻松拿下这个项目的分数。 书中的练习也提供每课词语表,以巩固学生所学,更好地帮助学生攻下语文应用项目。 Author :Y. M. Htun Publisher Year:2020 Book Pages :173
Primary 6 English Oral Booster & Listening Comprehension Package QR
English Practice 1000+ is a series of 6 books written to provide intensive practice for pupils. Each book is organised by components that will feature in the examinations so that pupils can have adequate practice. The practices aim to help...
PSLE Intensive Science
PSLE Intensive Science
INTENSIVE PSLE SCIENCE is written based on the latest Science syllabus issued by the Ministry of Education. The questions in this book are specially crafted to stimulate pupils’ interest and sharpen their critical-thinking skills. These questions test pupils’ basic concepts...
Primary 6 Andrew Er's Mathematics Companion
Andrew Er’s Maths Companion is a series of 6 books written to complement and supplement the existing school textbooks. It follows very closely the latest Primary Mathematics Syllabus issued by the Ministry of Education.Special Features:• Topical exercises pitched at the...
PSLE Spot on Chinese Exam Analysis Guide QR
逐项分析历届考题,熟悉规律和梳理盲点,并提供宝贵的备考技巧Study smart with our data-driven insights into past PSLE papers and reviseeffectively using related techniques and tips.收录具针对性的练习和模拟试卷Spend your time wisely with practices modelled after commonly testedquestions and examination areas.考前阅读《PSLE华文一点通》,了解近年考题趋势,并掌握各种相关答题技巧,必定能帮助你胸有成竹地应考,在PSLE华文考试中取得佳绩!This book features valuable insights into past years’ papers, as well as...
Primary 5&6 I am The Best in Composition Writing 作文我最强
步步引导加强写作 激发想象力和创意 提供题解与范文 附生词中英注释本系列以渐进的方式介绍写作文的技巧和要求,简单明了。低年级的内容重在打好写句子的基础。中、高年级的内容则会步步引导学生,让他们在熟悉考试题型的过程中树立信心。本系列特别收录生词的中英注解,以及解题分析,有助引导学生掌握题目的要求。 Number of Pages: 240Publication Year: 2014Book Author: 李秀蓉

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