HelloKitty点心派对手作书 - Hello Kitty snack party handmade book

Chinese Book

快来和Hello Kitty享受美味的点心派对吧!本书收录8款可爱的手作小物,不用剪刀、方便制作,让孩子能亲手操作,学习拆、折、拼、贴等美劳技巧,同时训练手部肌肉发展与手眼协调能力,进而增进立体空间概念,藉由如此好玩的组合游戏,让孩子体验艺术创作的乐趣。
书中附赠的3D宝石贴纸(颜色随机),可让孩子自由黏贴,创作专属自己的美丽作品,想不想试试看呢?欢迎你带着心爱的作品和Hello Kitty一起参加点心派对!

Create adorable handcrafted treats while having a blast with the HelloKitty Dim Sum Party DIY Book! Unleash your child's potential with 8 easy-to-make crafts that promote fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and spatial awareness. Includes 3D gem stickers for personalized creations. Join Hello Kitty for a fun and delicious party now!

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