Primary 1 Ultimate Guide for Grammar Vocabulary & Comprehension
Ultimate Guide for Grammar, Vocabulary, and Comprehension is a series written to provide pupils with the practice they need to develop a strong foundation in the English language. Each book is divided into three sections: • Grammar—This section introduces pupils...
Primary 2 English Top The Class: Tests and Quizzes
The Top the Class series aims to help pupils score well by providing questions that are modelled closely after those found in the tests and quizzes of top Singaporean schools. Such questions are often challenging and require higher-order thinking skills....
PLAY SMART Animals 4+
PLAY SMART Animals 4+
Fun-first ativities promote problem-solving, early math, and pre-reading skills. Includes 120+ colorful stickers and a wipe-clean game board! Gakken’s Play Smart series contain a variety of fun-filled, engaging activities that will help kids build basic pen-control skills, fine motor control,...
Kindergarten 2 Mathematics 'I LOVE SCHOOL!' Weekly Practice
Covers the 6 preschool learning domains Games and craft to reinforce numeracy concepts Develops numeracy skills I Love School Weekly Practice was designed with the aim to develop holistic learning. Extending beyond the classroom, the weekly practices include hands-on activities...
Primary 6 English Practice Package
Provides suggested approaches on how to write compositions Guides pupils on how to derive answers for comprehension Includes all components tested in examinations Answers with full explanations This series is written to provide intensive practice for pupils. Each book contains...
Primary 1 Mathematics Revision Papers
Maths Revision Papers consists of term revision papers and end-of-year revision papers to evaluate pupils’ learning at the end of each school term or at the end of the year. The revision papers consist of standard questions found in schools'...
Primary 3 Complete Science Topical Tests
Complete Science Topical Tests is a series of topical formative tests developed by an experienced school teacher. It is designed with strong emphasis on topical conceptual understanding and application of key concepts. All questions come with model answers. Explanations are...
O Level (G3) Biology Fast Forward
O Level (G3) Fast Forward Biology is developed based on the new 2023 O Level syllabus by a veteran teacher to help Secondary 3/4 students understand and apply concepts and skills required in O Level examinations.Key Features:• Detailed study notes...
O Level (G3) Physics Quick Revision Handbook (3ED)
O Level Quick Revision Handbook series is a quick and effective reference for Upper Secondary students preparing for their school weighted assessments and O Level examinations. Book Publisher: Educational Publishing House Publication Year: 2023 Book Pages: 240  
Secondary 1A Higher Chinese Weekly Revision每周高级华文课文复习
《每周快捷高级华文课文复习》紧密配合课文的生字新词,为每课设计 一个练习。每课练习前提供课文词表,方便学生复习课文必学词语, 加深对学习内容的理解与掌握,并更有效地进行练习,取得事半功倍 的效果。精编、精选的短文内容生动有趣,文体多样化,能够让学生 在练习的同时加强阅读能力,提高学习华文的兴趣。
Primary 5A Chinese Weekly Revision
《每周华文课文复习》是根据最新的华文课本《欢乐伙伴》编写而成, 作业的出题方式完全配合校方规定的题型。《每周高级华文课文复习》也按照校方每个学段的教学进度,为学生提供每周一课复习, 以巩固每周所学到的课文生词,让学生充分做好考试前的准备。 Chinese Weekly Revision is all about the power of consistent practice. It provides a methodical structure for students to revise English at an appropriate and regular pace. Each week, students practise important components of the language such...
Primary 3A Chinese Weekly Revision
《每周华文课文复习》是根据最新的华文课本《欢乐伙伴》编写而成, 作业的出题方式完全配合校方规定的题型。《每周高级华文课文复习》也按照校方每个学段的教学进度,为学生提供每周一课复习, 以巩固每周所学到的课文生词,让学生充分做好考试前的准备。 Chinese Weekly Revision is all about the power of consistent practice. It provides a methodical structure for students to revise English at an appropriate and regular pace. Each week, students practise important components of the language such...
Primary 2 English Oral Booster & Listening Comprehension Package QR
English Practice 1000+ is a series of 6 books written to provide intensive practice for pupils. Each book is organised by components that will feature in the examinations so that pupils can have adequate practice. The practices aim to help...
Primary 4 English Practice 1000+
English Practice 1000+ is a series of 6 books written to provide intensive practice for pupils. Each book is organised by components that will feature in the examinations so that pupils can have adequate practice. The practices aim to help...
PLAY SMART Animals 3+
PLAY SMART Animals 3+
Fun-first activities promote focus, problem solving, and number sense.Includes 80+ colorful stickers and a wipe-clean game board! Gakken’s Play Smart series contain a variety of fun-filled, engaging activities that will help kids build basic pen-control skills, fine motor control, reasoning,...
Primary 6 Mathematics Top The Class QR
Focus on conceptual depth Challenge advanced learners Support independent learning Developed with the belief that consistent practice is critical to achieving mastery, Top the Class Mathematics series offers challenging questions, by topics. This series allows pupils to focus on conceptual...
Kindergarten 6-in-1
Kindergarten 6-in-1
Builds literacy and numeracy skills Develops social and emotional skills through drama and role play scenarios Introduces words through stories, rhymes and fun activities Encourages discovery of the world through easy-to-follow science experiments Includes craft activities to bring out the...
O/N Level (G3/G2) Science Biology At Your Fingertips
The O/N-Level (G2/G3) At Your Fingertips series is a useful everyday handbook reference for Upper Secondary students revising important concepts in the O/N Level.Each topic contains revision notes, practical tips, worked examples and a concept map that students can refer...
Primary 3 Diagnostic Practice in Mathematics
Diagnostic Practice in Maths series uses a 3-Step approach for eachtopic to evaluate pupils’ understanding and application of mathematical concepts. Pre-Test: To assess prior knowledge and to ascertain any weak areas in a particular topicMain Exercise: To close gaps in...
Secondary 2 (G3) Chinese Exam Complete Papers 1-3 QR
- 根据《华文伴我行 》G3(快捷)华文课本编写- Written based on latest MOE G3 syllabus Chinese textbook- 依照中学常见考试题型编写- Follows commonly-tested components in school examinations- 附答题技巧、范文旁注和难题解释- Appended with answering techniques, annotated model essays andexplanations for challenging questions This book covers different types of passages and questions...
Primary 3 Science Revision Papers
- 6 sets of term revision papers and 2 set of end-of-year revision papers - Standard questions in school weighted assessments and examination papers Science Revision Papers consists of term revision papers and end-of-year revision papers to evaluate pupils’ learning...
K2 Chinese Learning Companion 华文小伙伴
'- 书中的活动涵盖四大技能:The activities in this book cover 4 major skills:我会认 - 认字我会读 - 汉语拼音我会写 - 标点符号我会说 - 句式、完成句子、组词成句- “家长指导”辅助家长和老师教学,促进亲子互动。“Tips for parents” assist parents and teachers in teaching, as well aspromote parent-child interaction.   '本系列根据2023年最新《培育幼儿:新加坡学前课程框架》编写,让学童在玩乐中学习,促进各方面的发展。Based on 2023 latest “Nurturing Early Learners...
Primary 3B Higher Chinese Weekly Revision 每周高级华文课文复习
Primary 3 Higher Chinese Daily Intensive Practice 高级华文每日精练
《小学高级/华文每课练习》根据《欢乐伙伴》课本编写,紧密结 合课文的生字新词,每课设计一个练习。每课练习前先复习课文 识读词语,习写课文识写词语,并熟悉其常用的词语搭配,以加 深对学习内容的理解与掌握。出题方式配合校方规定题型,项目 多元化,内容充实,对巩固课堂所学和准备考试非常有帮助。

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