专为0岁宝宝设计,分成4大主题 采用拉条页设计,耐用好翻 黑白颜色游戏,强化视觉能力 适于亲子共读,打造认知基础 宝宝启蒙必备 Designed for 0 age baby, 4 books: 2 books for cognitive development; 2 books for color games. Multiple pages fold design, durable & good for flipping. Black & white color games to stimulate baby's visual...
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This uniquely designed 64 Flashcards will allow young learners to grasp 1000 phonetic words within a short period of time. Other than being a 'tongue-twister', the flashcard allows the child to study, pronounce and memorise the words on the cards...
There are lots of laughs at every level in The 143-Storey Treehouse, from the number one Treehouse series from Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton.We've added thirteen new levels to our Treehouse, including a word-o-matic (it knows every word in the...
156-Storey Treehouse
156-Storey Treehouse
They’ve added 13 new levels, including a wishing well, a world-record breaking level, a T.V quiz show (hosted by Quizzy the quizzical quizbot) and an amazing mind-reading sandwich-making machine!It’s the night before Christmas, but it’s not going well for Andy...
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Andy and Terry have added 13 new levels to their treehouse!There's a wishing well, a world-record breaking level, a TV quiz show (hosted by Quizzy the Quizzical Quizbot) and an amazing mind-reading sandwich-making machine!But it’s the night before Christmas, and...
There are lots of laughs at every level in The 169-Storey Treehouse, from the worldwide bestselling Treehouse series by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton.Andy and Terry have added thirteen new levels and built their biggest and most astonishing treehouse yet!...
好玩又有趣的磁贴游戏,可以自己玩,和同伴玩,也能亲子一起玩喔!不仅能比智慧、比技巧,还能比耐力。 内含2支磁吸钓竿、22件可爱鱼类及海洋生物的磁贴配件,轻巧精致的磁性手提包设计,不论是携带游玩、收纳整理都好方便。藉由游戏训练手眼协调,磁贴上的鱼类词汇介绍,还能让你成为小小鱼博士,是最好玩的认知和统感教具。 本书特色: 特色1.热闹的海洋世界:在海洋背景板上黏贴小丑鱼、弹涂鱼、螃蟹等磁贴,布置美丽的海洋世界,也可说说看谁认识的海洋生物比较多。 特色2.天才小钓手:使用磁吸钓竿进行钓鱼比赛,钓完所有鱼儿后,统计鱼的数量或计算总点数,看看谁钓到的鱼最多、最大,谁就是钓鱼王。 特色3.寓教于乐:每个海洋生物磁贴都有名称和点数,孩子透过好玩的游戏学习鱼类名称和「数的概念」(越大的鱼越多点),统计钓鱼比赛胜负时,初学数字的孩子可以用「鱼的数量」统计输赢;已经学会加法的孩子,可以「加总鱼的点数」,提升数概念的学习。
好玩又有趣的磁贴游戏,可以自己玩,和同伴玩,也能亲子一起玩喔! 不仅能比智慧、比技巧,还能比专注力。 可爱的剑龙想要吃草,不料却被调皮的暴龙挡住去路。小朋友一起动动脑,帮助剑龙顺利地吃到美味的小草吧! 本书内含12片陆桥磁贴,与恐龙、小草各2片磁贴配件。轻巧精致的磁性手提包设计,不论是携带游玩、收纳整理都好方便。 小朋友可藉由游戏训练手眼协调,不同图案的路桥磁贴,提供孩子思考如何排列组合出不同的路径,帮助剑龙突破重围,达成任务。不仅能训练空间概念,还可促进思考力与逻辑力,是最好玩的学习教具。 本书学习重点: 1. 训练整体与局部的空间概念。 2. 培养逻辑力及思考力。 3. 提升观察力及专注力。
365床边故事 (蓝) - 365 Bedside Stories (Blue)
《365床边故事(夏)(附CD):童话小百科》 好故事是一盏灯,在月色朦胧的夜晚,照亮了世界的每一个角落,同时也照亮了孩子纯洁的心灵。 好故事是一把钥匙,为孩子打开一扇扇门,让他们在七彩的世界中尽情的飞翔,捕捉爱与美、真实与善良。 爱听故事是孩子的天性,捧一本书,倚在孩子的床头,用轻柔的声音把故事中的情节娓娓道来,让孩子在父母爱的陪伴下酣然入睡。 每夜睡前一个好故事,为孩子编织出缤纷幸福的童年。 本书特色 1. 精选46篇故事,内容包括:各国童话、寓言、民间传说、成语故事……,让孩子从听故事中学习善良、勇气、智慧、感恩、爱……好品格。 2. 每篇皆有「小叮咛」,协助父母亲让孩子理解该篇故事所欲传达的含义。 3. 每篇故事皆搭配CD,让孩子可以在轻鬆的故事、柔和的配乐中甜蜜入睡。 ◎适读年龄:3~6岁◎注音版 Introduce your child to the enchanting world of fairy tales with 365 Bedside Stories (Summer) (with CD). This comprehensive fairy tale encyclopedia includes 46 stories, perfect for...
3D转转魔术方块拼图盒 - 3D rotating magic cube puzzle box
魔术方块变变变!六面立体方块,怎样拼都有趣!内附92片小拼图,快乐学习趣味GO~拼图是孩子爱玩的游戏之一,而立体拼图,除了将原本分开的图案合成一个完整图像,让孩子获得成就感外,更是从平面游戏变成了立体游戏,这样,就需要更多的专注力与耐心,也多了「空间感」的概念。而且,孩子玩立体拼图时,既可依循固定规则,也可任意变化,增加许多动脑思考时间,也激发不同的想象与创意。本产品的四个方块内,放有「英文字母、数字、颜色形状的92片小拼图」,让孩子依提示将拼图配对,用好玩的方式来学习基础认知,且能反复游戏,提升学习兴趣,不会觉得枯燥,还可与父母一起同乐,增加亲子间的相处及互动时间。本书特色:★培养逻辑思维:盒子怎么叠、拼图怎么拼?思考过程中自然增加逻辑思维能力。★训练手眼协调:堆叠过程需要手与眼的配合,除训练协调感,更可培养专注力与耐心。★增加认知能力:游戏过程可认识不同动物、食物、交通工具、生活用品等名称,并学习26个英文字母、数字1~10,以及颜色形状等。★丰富创造能力:孩子不需依循规则,可凭想象任意堆叠,自由创造。编者简介:幼福编辑部以多年的传统经验和新颖的创意经营,开创多广度产品以供孩子们学习,不论是文学类、绘本、幼儿系列以及教具类……等多项产品,均站在鼓励孩子多读书的立场,开发极具教育性、趣味性的书籍。在愉快中学习成长,才是真正掌握孩子美好未来的基石。 Introduce your child to the world of 3D puzzles with this 3D rotating magic cube puzzle box. With 92 small puzzle pieces included, they can learn letters, numbers, colors, and shapes in a fun and engaging way. This puzzle...
Post-it super sticky notes have a unique adhesive technology ensures your notes will stick securely to more surfaces. Post-it super sticky removable labels help you organise everything from file cabinets to folders, food storage boxes and much more. Hold stronger...
Post-it® Super Sticky Notes in 3 in x 3 in feature 2x the sticking power. Use for notes or reminders on doors, windows or walls. Unique adhesive reliably sticks and re-sticks so your message can stay front and center. Move your notes with you throughout the day. Share the warmth of the summer sunshine memories all year long with the Summer Joy collection.  Colors in the Summer Joy collection include Citron, Papaya Fizz, Power Pink, Washed Denim and Fresh Mint. Post-it® Super Sticky Notes are recyclable and the paper in Post-it® Super Sticky Notes is sourced from certified, renewable and responsibly managed forests.  5 Pads/Pack, 90 Sheets/Pad.
3M Post-it Super Sticky Note Energy Boost 3x3 inch 654-5SSAU 5 Pads 90 Sheets Post-it® Super Sticky Notes give you a variety of notes for all your reminders and to-do list needs. Collection - Energy Boost Collection Color - Orange,...
3M Post-it Dry Erase Surface, 3X2ft
$87.10 $79.00
3M Post-it Dry Erase Surface, 3X2ft
The Post-it® super sticky dry erase surface is designed to stick to a variety of painted drywall and steel surfaxes, glass, finished wood and existing whiteboards or chalkboards. Items included: 1x Super Sticky Dry Erase Film by Post-it, 1x Cleaning...
$87.10 $79.00
3M Post-it Easel Pad Grid 560SS, 25x30"
Tired of wrestling with tape and tacks? Simplify note-taking at your next meeting with Post-it® Easel Pads. Adhesive-backed sheets stick to most wall surfaces, and the paper resists bleed-through. There is no liner, just peel and stick. Sheets stick firmly...
3M Post-it Easel Wall Hanger EH559, 2pc
Unique, light weight, wall-mounted hanger takes the place of bulky easel stands. Command™ Strips provide an easy, non-damaging mounting system. Quickly and easily turn walls into a space for teamwork. Stop spending hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the...
3M Post-It Notes 655-5PK, 5X3"
Get Everyone'S Favorite Post-It Notes In High Voltage Neon Colors. Repositionable Adhesive Won'T Leave Marks On Paper Or Other Surfaces. Bright Colors Make Your Message Stand Out, Convey Urgency And Signify Hot News.
3M Post-It Notes Pastel Pack Of 12 Pads
Post-it® notes in 3 x 3 size are great for reminders or short to-do lists. A world of Colour Marseille collection showcases lively pastels conveying the vitality of this French port city. Details Colorful Post-it® Notes inspired by colorful cities...
$26.40 $21.12
3M Post-it Self-Stick Wall Pad 566
$70.90 $65.00
3M Post-it Self-Stick Wall Pad 566
Capture the spark at your next meeting with Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pads. Adhesive-backed sheets stick and re-stick to most wall surfaces, unlike flip chart paper. The paper resists marker bleed through so you can capture input by writing directly...
$70.90 $65.00
3M Post-it Super Sticky Recycled Notes 3x3
Post-it® Recycled Super Sticky Notes in 3 in x 3 in feature 2x the sticking power. Use for notes or reminders on doors, windows or walls. Unique adhesive reliably sticks and re-sticks so your message can stay front and center....
3M Post-it Table Top Easel Pad 563R, 20X23"
It’s an amazing feeling when your team just clicks—everyone feels a shared drive toward success. But, how do you ignite that feeling on every team? Capture the spark at your next meeting with Post-it® Super Sticky Easel Pads. Adhesive backed...
$38.20 $35.00
3M Post-it Yellow Easel Pad 559YWSS, 25X30"
Tired of wrestling with tape and tacks? Simplify note-taking at your next meeting with Post-it® Easel Pads. Adhesive-backed sheets stick to most wall surfaces, and the paper resists bleed-through. There is no liner, just peel and stick. Self-stick landscape flipcharts...
3M Scotch Anti-Bacteria Kitchen Scissors
Scotch® Kitchen Scissors are treated using 3M's Electro-Polishing Process that enhances the ability of the stainless steel material. This enable the blades to resist corrosion and be easily cleaned. Both the blades and handles reduce bacteria breeding, thereby equipping you...
3M Scotch Heavy Duty Rough Surfaces Mounting Tape KH19
KH-19 Scotch® Vhb™ Mounting Tape Is A Very High Bond Industrial Quality Tape That Is Suitable For Most Rough And Uneven Surfaces. Metal, Tiles, Wood Surfaces Mounting Tape Excellent For Mounting On Most Rough And Uneven Surfaces Weather-Resistant And Holds...

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