漫画西游记 美猴王大闹天宫 - Journey to the West

Chinese Book


  • 神州傲来国的花果山上有一块仙石。
  • 某天,仙石裡蹦出一隻石猴,并成为花果山的猴王──孙悟空,只是谁能逃过生老病死的人间轮迴呢?
  • 这下,孙悟空有什麽鬼点子呢?且看本书精采情节。

Monkey King Cause Havoc in Heaven

Join the epic adventure with Monkey King, Sun Wukong, as he causes havoc in heaven after escaping the fairy stone on Huaguo Mountain. Immerse yourself in the wonderful plot of this Chinese comic, filled with life lessons on reincarnation and the inevitability of aging and death.

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