小画册系列:缤纷游乐园小画册 - Hello Kitty picture album series: colorful amusement park picture album

Chinese Book

喜欢画画的小朋友,快跟着HELLO KITTY和好朋友们一起参加这场色彩嘉年华吧!
HELLO KITTY想邀请你一起到游乐园搭乘小火车唷!

Join HELLO KITTY and her friends for a colorful carnival adventure in the 小画册系列:缤纷游乐园小画册! Choose from fun rides like the ferris wheel, carousel, or teacups, and take a train ride with HELLO KITTY. Unleash your creativity and imagination as you add your own beautiful colors to the "Colorful Amusement Park" pages.

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