ABC学习卡 - Hello Kitty ABC Study Cards

Chinese Book

让可爱的Hello Kitty带领小朋友进入有趣的认知世界吧!内含36张学习图卡,有着可爱的插图容易吸引小朋友注意,清晰超大的字体,示范正确笔顺,让小朋友轻松学习英文字母ABC,图卡背面并配合插图认知英文单字,学习英文一点都不困难。

Introduce your child to the world of learning with Hello Kitty ABC Study Cards! Featuring 36 colorful cards with clear and large letters, Kitty will guide them through the English alphabet with ease. Each card also includes an adorable illustration and word recognition in English and Mandarin, making language learning fun and effortless.

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