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The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck
There are only so many things we can give a f**k about so we need to figure out which ones really matter, Manson makes clear. While money is nice, caring about what you do with your life is better, because...
Atomic Habits
There's never been a better time to make a few tiny changes that will revolutionise your life.A revolutionary system to get one per cent better every day.People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big....
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The first of a two-volume series – Volume 1 of The Pokemon Sun and Moon Mega Omnibus features 402 different types of Pokemon from Archeops to Torterra!! Introduces all Pokemon revealed up to Sun and Moon Full color comprehensive guide...
中国节日故事 - Chinese Holiday Stories
附汉语拼音 生动有趣绘图 能让孩子边学习,边了解传统节日的由来 Hanyu Pinyin to enhance learning. Stories with lively illustrations. To know the origin of Chinese tradisional festival while learning. 你知道春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节……等节日的由来吗?本书将会给你最详尽的解答!书中除了介绍节日的由来,还详细地解释每个节日中民俗活动的意义。中国的传统节日都有非常精彩的故事,想让下一个节日过得更有意义,你一定要看这本书喔! Discover the fascinating origins and traditions behind Chinese holidays like Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival,...
中英双语幼儿认知书(橘黄) - Chinese-English Bilingual Children's Cognitive Book (Orange)
专为0-3岁幼儿设计,收录最常见物品供认知 色彩鲜艳,非常受幼儿喜爱 中英文双语名称对照 Designed for 0-3 age children, listed items are close to life for cognitive development. Bright & colorful images to attract children's attention. Bilingual contents for better learning.   收录动物、鸟类、植物、大自然、生活用品、玩具‧乐器、职业、马路、便利商店、餐厅、公园、学校等十二大主题。 色彩鲜明、线条清晰,运用丰富的图画,让孩子快乐的学习。 164个常见的单字,以中英文双语名称对照,给宝宝最基础的双语学习。 This Chinese-English bilingual cognitive book in...
智慧成长故事集:31个启发机智小故事 - Collection of 31 Inspiring and Witty Stories
能让孩子会心一笑的机智故事 训练孩子的逻辑与应变能力 故事后让孩子从中得到启发 附汉语拼音 Interesting & meaningful inspirational stories. To train child's logical thinking & problem solving skills. Hanyu Pinyin to enhance Chinese reading. 灵光乍现时会给你怎样的启发呢? 这31个机智故事让读者看了不仅能会心一笑,还能培养孩子逻辑、语言、方法、应变力等机智。 ●〈徐文长妙联祝寿〉引导孩子运用幽默又机智的生活方式,并学会拿捏分寸。●〈书童找赃物〉教导孩子运用敏锐的观察力和智慧解开被误会的危机。●〈华佗拜师〉提醒孩子遇到无法解决的问题时,要换个方式思考。 家长陪伴孩子阅读后,不妨让孩子想想如果故事的主角是他,他会怎么做?从别人的经验达到学习、反省与实践的效果! Discover the wisdom behind these 31 witty and inspiring stories, perfect for...
快乐唱读趣 弟子规 - Happy Singing and Reading
弟子规★大声念读超有趣:父母可引导孩子三字一句念读,大声念出正确音调。★反复念诵好记忆:可分段、重复念诵,增加记忆,再逐渐从头念到尾。★CD节奏快乐听:轻快悦耳的节奏,让孩子愉快念诵不枯燥。★知识道理轻松学:每段均有白话解说,让孩子理解文字涵义,学习不同道理和知识。跟着轻松的节奏,一起快乐朗读!《弟子规》是浅显易懂的儿童启蒙教材,藉由三字成句的内容,让孩子懂得孝顺父母、友爱兄弟姊妹、尊重师长、注重生活礼节。孩子可先念读,再从白话文中理解涵义,并融会贯通,学习待人处事的道理,拥有良好品格,受人欢迎。 Disciple rules★Reading aloud is super fun: Parents can guide their children to read three characters per sentence and pronounce the correct tone aloud. ★Repeat and recite for better memory: You can recite it in sections and repeat it to...
Investigators 02: Take Plunge
Sewer-loving secret agents Mango and Brash are plunged into a new mystery--and a BIG mess--in John Patrick Green's hilarious adventure-packed graphic novel, InvestiGators: Take the Plunge.S.U.I.T. headquarters is under attack, and Mango and Brash are going undercover and underground disguised...
漫画西游记 美猴王大闹天宫 - Journey to the West
美猴王大闹天宫 神州傲来国的花果山上有一块仙石。 某天,仙石裡蹦出一隻石猴,并成为花果山的猴王──孙悟空,只是谁能逃过生老病死的人间轮迴呢? 这下,孙悟空有什麽鬼点子呢?且看本书精采情节。 Monkey King Cause Havoc in Heaven Join the epic adventure with Monkey King, Sun Wukong, as he causes havoc in heaven after escaping the fairy stone on Huaguo Mountain. Immerse yourself in the wonderful plot of...
The Art Of Thinking Clearly
Have you ever... Invested time in something that, with hindsight, just wasn't worth it? Overpaid in an Ebay auction? Continued doing something you knew was bad for you? Backed the wrong horse? THE ART OF THINKING CLEARLY is essential reading...
One Of Us Is Lying
Pay close attention and you might solve this. On Monday afternoon, five students at Bayview High walk into detention. Bronwyn, the brain, is Yale-bound and never breaks a rule. Addy, the beauty, is the picture-perfect homecoming princess. Nate, the criminal,...
漫画三国 魏吴蜀三国鼎立 - Three Kingdoms: Wei, Wu and Shu.
趣味生动的漫画表达,颠覆历史故事的学习教育。 加入现代口语化及用语,形成趣味故事。 附加成语解说、成语故事辅助单元等,拓展历史、文学领域。 Experience the Three Kingdoms era like never before with 漫画三国 (Three Kingdoms: Wei, Wu and Shu). This unique comic series adds modern colloquialisms and idioms to the historical story, making it both entertaining and educational. With additional...
Investigators 01
Meet the InvestiGators. With their gadgets, know-how, and super-fast transportation system (they flush themselves down toilets to speed through the sewers!), Mango and Brash are the scourge of the super-villain landscape! As vest-wearing employees of the Special Undercover Investigation Teams,...
专为0岁宝宝设计,分成4大主题 采用拉条页设计,耐用好翻 黑白颜色游戏,强化视觉能力 适于亲子共读,打造认知基础 宝宝启蒙必备 Designed for 0 age baby, 4 books: 2 books for cognitive development; 2 books for color games. Multiple pages fold design, durable & good for flipping. Black & white color games to stimulate baby's visual...
世界国旗图鉴 - Illustrated guide of world flags
本书收录全世界195个国家的国旗及126国家的国徽。 大而清晰的图片,吸引孩子目光,提升阅读兴趣。 介绍各国首都、人口数、语言,增强认知能力并方便快速查阅数据。 部分国家标示洲别和地理位置,建立孩子对区域地理的基本概念。 Includes 195 flags & 126 national emblems. Big & clear pictures to stimulate interest of children in learning. Introduces capital city, population, language of the country for advancing the learning. Indicates continents & geographical locations of...
Baby Shark My First Book Of Colours/Numbers/Opposites - My First Book Of Colours
Pinkfong Baby Shark First Books: Colours introduces children to basic colours using their favourite Pinkfong Baby Shark characters. Children will have fun as they flip the top and bottom pages to find the colour to match their favourite characters!
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The Courage To Be Disliked
The Courage to Be Disliked, already an enormous bestseller in Asia with more than 3.5 million copies sold, demonstrates how to unlock the power within yourself to be the person you truly want to be.  Using the theories of Alfred...
Sapiens: History Of Humankind
What makes us brilliant? What makes us deadly? What makes us Sapiens? Yuval Noah Harari challenges everything we know about being human in the perfect read for these unprecedented times. Earth is 4.5 billion years old. In just a fraction...
宝宝好习惯故事:我有礼貌 - Good habits story for babies: I am polite
每个父母都希望自己的宝宝能够做事有规矩,待人有礼貌,走到哪里都受欢迎。2~5岁是宝宝行为习惯养成的关键时期,父母要善于引导。《宝宝好习惯故事:我有礼貌》一书把道理融进有趣的故事中,把学会分享的重要性、人与人相互尊重和自我约束带来的好处,以轻松的方式展示给宝宝,让他们在阅读中逐渐养成有礼貌的习惯。 本书包含了5则小故事,故事内容贴近生活情境,不仅能说出孩子的心声,容易产生共鸣,还能引发孩子思考。<故事妈妈的小魔法>单元,结合了育儿建议与技巧,方便家长在亲子阅读时进行引导,从中学得与孩子相处沟通的最佳方式。 Raise a well-mannered and popular baby with "Good Habits Story for Babies: I am Polite." This book cleverly weaves important lessons into engaging stories, teaching children the benefits of sharing, mutual respect, and self-discipline. With relatable scenarios and...
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
World-renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck, in decades of research on achievement and success, has discovered a truly groundbreaking idea–the power of our mindset.Dweck explains why it’s not just our abilities and talent that bring us success–but whether we approach...
You've Reached Sam
Seventeen-year-old Julie has her future all planned out: move out of her small town with her boyfriend Sam, attend college in the city, spend a summer in Japan. But then Sam dies. And everything changes.Desperate to hear his voice one...
Investigators 04: Ants In Our Pants
Super-spies Mango and Brash are bugging out in InvestiGators: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S, the latest chapter in the hilarious adventure series from John Patrick Green. With more than three million copies in print, these comics have legs - more than...
Investigators 03: Off Hook
InvestiGators Mango and Brash don their fanciest V.E.S.T.s for InvestiGators: Off the Hook, a zany new adventure from John Patrick Green that will have readers HOOKED! Join more three million fans as we follow these sewer-loving secret agents in their...
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One Of Us Is Next
A ton of copycat gossip apps have popped up since Simon died, but in the year since the Bayview four were cleared of his shocking death, no one's been able to fill the gossip void quite like he could. The...
小小口袋书‧一分钟破案:金牌大侦探篇 - Small Pocket Book: Solving Cases in One Minute: The Golden Detective
这是一本专为学龄儿童撰写的侦探推理故事书,故事情节惊险离奇、曲折生动,并巧妙地融合了生活常识,科学、文史、地理、侦探等各项知识,孩子在破解案件时,需多方查证探究,再进行思考推理才能解谜,而在进行解谜的过程中,这些知识自然能在他们的脑海里留下深刻印象。 每一个破案线索都隐藏在故事细节中,参与破案的小朋友必须有敏锐的观察力及洞察力,才能看出破绽,不仅充分启动脑细胞,培养逻辑思维,还能将课堂上学习到的知识灵活运用,成为一位屡破奇案的金牌大侦探。 Enter the world of detective mysteries with "Small Pocket Book: Solving Cases in One Minute: The Golden Detective". This thrilling storybook for school-age children cleverly integrates various subjects like life, science, literature, and geography, stimulating their minds while...
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Financial Enlightenment Picture Books for Children: Why Does Mom Go to Work? 写给孩子的第一套财商启蒙绘本:妈妈为什么要上班?
致富能力要从小开始培养,抓住3-7岁孩子的财商启蒙关键期,用暖心的、具启发性的小故事,建立正确的金钱观与价值观,请陪伴孩子在愉快的阅读中获得正确价值观的引导,及良好品格的养成。 兔妈妈每天忙着上班,没有时间陪聪聪兔,有一天,聪聪兔提出希望妈妈不要上班的要求,让妈妈好为难。因为聪聪兔不明白为什么要上班?上班都在做什么?于是,兔妈妈决定带聪聪兔一起上班!聪聪兔与妈妈一起上班的过程中,会遇到什么有趣的事呢?他能够明白工作的意义吗? 本书特色 ‧ 给予孩子正确的金钱观,关于「钱」的疑问,都能在这里找到答案。 ‧ 从孩子的角度出发,在活泼生动的故事中理解「工作与报酬」、「欲望与节制」、「货币与价值」、「富裕与富足」等观念。 ‧ 运用生活化情境,融入现代的理财观念,培养创造财富的基本能力。 Introduce children to financial concepts through lively stories. Learn about "work and reward", "desire and moderation", "money and value", and "affluence and abundance" from a child's perspective. This book helps cultivate...
写给孩子的第一套财商启蒙绘本:爸妈的钱也是辛苦赚来的 - The first set of financial enlightenment picture books for children
致富能力要从小开始培养,抓住3-7岁孩子的财商启蒙关键期,用暖心的、具启发性的小故事,建立正确的金钱观与价值观,请陪伴孩子在愉快的阅读中获得正确价值观的引导,及良好品格的养成。 兔妈妈是整个动物小镇最最最「小气」的妈妈,至少对聪聪兔来说,是这么想的。因为每次他想要买东西时,妈妈总会用各种方法拒绝他。今天,聪聪兔又想买东西了,妈妈却要聪聪兔赚取属于自己的钱。聪聪兔要怎么靠自己赚钱买东西呢?他最终能够明白赚钱的真正意义吗? 本书特色 ‧ 给予孩子正确的金钱观,关于「钱」的疑问,都能在这里找到答案。 ‧ 从孩子的角度出发,在活泼生动的故事中理解「工作与报酬」、「欲望与节制」、「货币与价值」、「富裕与富足」等观念。 ‧ 运用生活化情境,融入现代的理财观念,培养创造财富的基本能力。 Introduce your child to the world of finance with this set of financial enlightenment picture books. Perfect for children aged 3-7, these heart-warming stories instill a proper understanding of money and...
Yeongdo, Korea 1911. In a small fishing village on the banks of the East Sea, a club-footed, cleft-lipped man marries a fifteen-year-old girl. The couple have one child, their beloved daughter Sunja. When Sunja falls pregnant by a married yakuza,...
漫画三国 三兄弟桃园结义 - Three Kingdoms: Three brothers are sworn in Taoyuan
趣味生动的漫画表达,颠覆历史故事的学习教育。 加入现代口语化及用语,形成趣味故事。 附加成语解说、成语故事辅助单元等,拓展历史、文学领域。 Immerse yourself in the lively and engaging world of Chinese history with 漫画三国 三兄弟桃园结义 - Three Kingdoms: Three brothers are sworn in Taoyuan. Through modern and colloquial language, this educational comic series presents a unique and fun...
Financial Enlightenment Picture Books for Children: Be Your Inner Rich Self 写给孩子的第一套财商启蒙绘本:做内心富足的自己
致富能力要从小开始培养,抓住3-7岁孩子的财商启蒙关键期,用暖心的、具启发性的小故事,建立正确的金钱观与价值观,请陪伴孩子在愉快的阅读中获得正确价值观的引导,及良好品格的养成。 每个周末,兔妈妈都会带聪聪兔去参加市集。在路上,聪聪兔看到别人开着车子,妈妈却骑着摩托车;看见朋友在店里吃雪糕,自己只有水壶里的胡萝卜汁;即便路过最爱的游乐园,他也只能远远看着…… 聪聪兔忍不住问妈妈:「我们家是不是很穷?」 兔妈妈要怎么让他明白,心灵的财富才是最重要的呢?来看看兔妈妈如何运用智慧,巧妙化解聪聪兔的疑惑吧! 本书特色 ‧ 给予孩子正确的金钱观,关于「钱」的疑问,都能在这里找到答案。 ‧ 从孩子的角度出发,在活泼生动的故事中理解「工作与报酬」、「欲望与节制」、「货币与价值」、「富裕与富足」等观念。 ‧ 运用生活化情境,融入现代的理财观念,培养创造财富的基本能力。 Gain a better understanding of money with this set of financial enlightenment picture books for children. Written from a child's perspective, these stories explore concepts such as "work and...

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