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The first of a two-volume series – Volume 1 of The Pokemon Sun and Moon Mega Omnibus features 402 different types of Pokemon from Archeops to Torterra!! Introduces all Pokemon revealed up to Sun and Moon Full color comprehensive guide...
漫画西游记 美猴王大闹天宫 - Journey to the West
美猴王大闹天宫 神州傲来国的花果山上有一块仙石。 某天,仙石裡蹦出一隻石猴,并成为花果山的猴王──孙悟空,只是谁能逃过生老病死的人间轮迴呢? 这下,孙悟空有什麽鬼点子呢?且看本书精采情节。 Monkey King Cause Havoc in Heaven Join the epic adventure with Monkey King, Sun Wukong, as he causes havoc in heaven after escaping the fairy stone on Huaguo Mountain. Immerse yourself in the wonderful plot of...
Investigators 02: Take Plunge
Sewer-loving secret agents Mango and Brash are plunged into a new mystery--and a BIG mess--in John Patrick Green's hilarious adventure-packed graphic novel, InvestiGators: Take the Plunge.S.U.I.T. headquarters is under attack, and Mango and Brash are going undercover and underground disguised...
漫画三国 魏吴蜀三国鼎立 - Three Kingdoms: Wei, Wu and Shu.
趣味生动的漫画表达,颠覆历史故事的学习教育。 加入现代口语化及用语,形成趣味故事。 附加成语解说、成语故事辅助单元等,拓展历史、文学领域。 Experience the Three Kingdoms era like never before with 漫画三国 (Three Kingdoms: Wei, Wu and Shu). This unique comic series adds modern colloquialisms and idioms to the historical story, making it both entertaining and educational. With additional...
Investigators 01
Meet the InvestiGators. With their gadgets, know-how, and super-fast transportation system (they flush themselves down toilets to speed through the sewers!), Mango and Brash are the scourge of the super-villain landscape! As vest-wearing employees of the Special Undercover Investigation Teams,...
Baby Shark My First Book Of Colours/Numbers/Opposites - My First Book Of Colours
Pinkfong Baby Shark First Books: Colours introduces children to basic colours using their favourite Pinkfong Baby Shark characters. Children will have fun as they flip the top and bottom pages to find the colour to match their favourite characters!
宝宝好习惯故事:我有礼貌 - Good habits story for babies: I am polite
每个父母都希望自己的宝宝能够做事有规矩,待人有礼貌,走到哪里都受欢迎。2~5岁是宝宝行为习惯养成的关键时期,父母要善于引导。《宝宝好习惯故事:我有礼貌》一书把道理融进有趣的故事中,把学会分享的重要性、人与人相互尊重和自我约束带来的好处,以轻松的方式展示给宝宝,让他们在阅读中逐渐养成有礼貌的习惯。 本书包含了5则小故事,故事内容贴近生活情境,不仅能说出孩子的心声,容易产生共鸣,还能引发孩子思考。<故事妈妈的小魔法>单元,结合了育儿建议与技巧,方便家长在亲子阅读时进行引导,从中学得与孩子相处沟通的最佳方式。 Raise a well-mannered and popular baby with "Good Habits Story for Babies: I am Polite." This book cleverly weaves important lessons into engaging stories, teaching children the benefits of sharing, mutual respect, and self-discipline. With relatable scenarios and...
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Financial Enlightenment Picture Books for Children: Why Does Mom Go to Work? 写给孩子的第一套财商启蒙绘本:妈妈为什么要上班?
致富能力要从小开始培养,抓住3-7岁孩子的财商启蒙关键期,用暖心的、具启发性的小故事,建立正确的金钱观与价值观,请陪伴孩子在愉快的阅读中获得正确价值观的引导,及良好品格的养成。 兔妈妈每天忙着上班,没有时间陪聪聪兔,有一天,聪聪兔提出希望妈妈不要上班的要求,让妈妈好为难。因为聪聪兔不明白为什么要上班?上班都在做什么?于是,兔妈妈决定带聪聪兔一起上班!聪聪兔与妈妈一起上班的过程中,会遇到什么有趣的事呢?他能够明白工作的意义吗? 本书特色 ‧ 给予孩子正确的金钱观,关于「钱」的疑问,都能在这里找到答案。 ‧ 从孩子的角度出发,在活泼生动的故事中理解「工作与报酬」、「欲望与节制」、「货币与价值」、「富裕与富足」等观念。 ‧ 运用生活化情境,融入现代的理财观念,培养创造财富的基本能力。 Introduce children to financial concepts through lively stories. Learn about "work and reward", "desire and moderation", "money and value", and "affluence and abundance" from a child's perspective. This book helps cultivate...
Investigators 04: Ants In Our Pants
Super-spies Mango and Brash are bugging out in InvestiGators: Ants in Our P.A.N.T.S, the latest chapter in the hilarious adventure series from John Patrick Green. With more than three million copies in print, these comics have legs - more than...
Investigators 03: Off Hook
InvestiGators Mango and Brash don their fanciest V.E.S.T.s for InvestiGators: Off the Hook, a zany new adventure from John Patrick Green that will have readers HOOKED! Join more three million fans as we follow these sewer-loving secret agents in their...
漫画三国 三兄弟桃园结义 - Three Kingdoms: Three brothers are sworn in Taoyuan
趣味生动的漫画表达,颠覆历史故事的学习教育。 加入现代口语化及用语,形成趣味故事。 附加成语解说、成语故事辅助单元等,拓展历史、文学领域。 Immerse yourself in the lively and engaging world of Chinese history with 漫画三国 三兄弟桃园结义 - Three Kingdoms: Three brothers are sworn in Taoyuan. Through modern and colloquial language, this educational comic series presents a unique and fun...
Financial Enlightenment Picture Books for Children: Be Your Inner Rich Self 写给孩子的第一套财商启蒙绘本:做内心富足的自己
致富能力要从小开始培养,抓住3-7岁孩子的财商启蒙关键期,用暖心的、具启发性的小故事,建立正确的金钱观与价值观,请陪伴孩子在愉快的阅读中获得正确价值观的引导,及良好品格的养成。 每个周末,兔妈妈都会带聪聪兔去参加市集。在路上,聪聪兔看到别人开着车子,妈妈却骑着摩托车;看见朋友在店里吃雪糕,自己只有水壶里的胡萝卜汁;即便路过最爱的游乐园,他也只能远远看着…… 聪聪兔忍不住问妈妈:「我们家是不是很穷?」 兔妈妈要怎么让他明白,心灵的财富才是最重要的呢?来看看兔妈妈如何运用智慧,巧妙化解聪聪兔的疑惑吧! 本书特色 ‧ 给予孩子正确的金钱观,关于「钱」的疑问,都能在这里找到答案。 ‧ 从孩子的角度出发,在活泼生动的故事中理解「工作与报酬」、「欲望与节制」、「货币与价值」、「富裕与富足」等观念。 ‧ 运用生活化情境,融入现代的理财观念,培养创造财富的基本能力。 Gain a better understanding of money with this set of financial enlightenment picture books for children. Written from a child's perspective, these stories explore concepts such as "work and...
宝宝好性格故事:我不哭 - Babies with Good Personalities: I Don’t Cry
家长都希望宝宝能坚强乐观的成长,能在未来的某天到达成功的彼岸。《宝宝好性格故事:我不哭》是专为低年龄宝宝编撰的童话绘本,生动有趣的童话,配上精美亮丽的插图,让宝宝既爱听又爱看。故事中的正面形象可作为宝宝的榜样,反面形象则能让宝宝警醒,使宝宝听过故事后能得到鼓励和启发,亦能帮助家长培养宝宝乐观品德,塑造宝宝坚强性格。 本书包含了5则小故事,故事内容贴近生活情境,不仅能说出孩子的心声,容易产生共鸣,还能引发孩子思考。<故事妈妈的小魔法>单元,结合了育儿建议与技巧,方便家长在亲子阅读时进行引导,从中学得与孩子相处沟通的最佳方式。 "Instill positive values in your baby with "Babies with Good Personalities: I Don't Cry". This fairy tale picture book features 5 short stories with vibrant illustrations that will captivate and educate young minds. Encourage and inspire your baby...
趣趣名著系列:水浒传 - Interesting Classics Series: Water Margin
*深入浅出:以浅显的白话文全新改写,让孩子轻鬆阅读经典名着没负担。*精美插图:活泼精美的插图,吸引孩子目光,丰富孩子美感经验。*语词注解:贴心的语词解释,遇到生涩词彙也不怕。*全面提升:徜徉中国经典文学名着,全面提升孩子的阅读能力,丰富孩子写作语彙,奠定写作基础。 "Introduce children to Chinese classics with 趣趣名著系列:水浒传. Newly rewritten in simple vernacular, it eliminates any burden for young readers. Lively illustrations and vocabulary annotations enhance their reading experience and expand their vocabulary. This comprehensive approach improves reading and writing...
Investigators #6: Heist & Seek
When rare paintings go missing, the InvestiGators are called on the scene . . . the ART SCENE!Mango and Brash go undercover and under canvas as internationally renowned painters to expose a crook who has truly mastered the art of...
给男孩的情绪管理绘本:我好想哭 - An emotional management picture book for boys: I really want to cry
"大家总说“男孩不能哭”,可有时候,“我”就是想哭。当“我”受伤时,当“我”被拒绝时,当“我”被感动时……在妈妈的抚慰下,“我”才知道眼泪也有它的价值、有它的意义。给男孩的情绪管理绘本,让男孩自信、勇敢、内心强大!让男孩学会感知情绪、接纳情绪、管理情绪,让家长学会理解男孩、引导男孩、鼓励男孩。《给男孩的情绪管理绘本》,在助力男孩健康快乐成长的同时,为养育男孩的家长减轻焦虑、提供启发。乐凡,武汉大学博士,研究方向为儿童图书编辑出版,对儿童阅读、儿童心理学、亲子共读有着深入的研究和实践。已出版童书《给女孩的情绪管理绘本》《时间真好玩》《理财真好玩》《我戴眼镜了》。" "Boys may feel like crying too. This picture book teaches boys to recognize, accept, and manage their emotions. The author, a child psychology expert, offers guidance for parents to understand and encourage their sons. Also available: "An emotional management...
漫画三国 诸葛亮三气周瑜 - Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang Three Qi Zhou Yu
趣味生动的漫画表达,颠覆历史故事的学习教育。 加入现代口语化及用语,形成趣味故事。 附加成语解说、成语故事辅助单元等,拓展历史、文学领域。 Discover the fascinating history of the Three Kingdoms through the lively and educational comic series "Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang Three Qi Zhou Yu." With modern language and explanations of idioms and stories, broaden your knowledge of history...
宝宝好习惯故事:我不挑食 - Good baby habits story: I’m not picky about food
宝宝挑食、偏食、爱吃零食等,都会给身体健康带来不良影响,宝宝饮食也成了父母关心的重要大事。如何才能让宝宝好好吃饭呢?《宝宝好习惯故事:我不挑食》通过有趣的故事让宝宝认识到食物中的营养与健康的关系,书中还有为父母提供了贴心的指导方法,希望父母能在轻松愉快的亲子阅读中,帮助宝宝养成良好的饮食习惯。 本书包含了5则小故事,故事内容贴近生活情境,不仅能说出孩子的心声,容易产生共鸣,还能引发孩子思考。<故事妈妈的小魔法>单元,结合了育儿建议与技巧,方便家长在亲子阅读时进行引导,从中学得与孩子相处沟通的最佳方式。 Good baby habits story: I’m not picky about food teaches children the relationship between nutrition and health through entertaining stories. With helpful tips and guidance for parents, this book helps cultivate good eating habits in a fun and...
着色小玩家-Hello kitty着色画 - Hello kitty Coloring Book
以深受孩子欢迎的 Hello Kitty 为主题 可爱有趣的 Kitty 图案激发孩子的想象力 大小适中的绘图与彩色空间,提供孩子创造的空间 Popular & lovely Hello Kitty as main character. Cute Kitty to stimulate child's imagination. Space for drawing & coloring to cultivate child's creativity. 打开HELLO KITTY着色画,映入眼帘的是满满的可爱KITTY,80张精彩丰富的KITTY图案,大小适中、方便携带,让小朋友随时随地都能发挥想象力、创造力,画出KITTY专属的色彩,变身小小艺术家! Unleash your child's creativity with the HELLO...
Investigators 05: Braver and Boulder
The InvestiGators' latest case has our sewer-loving secret agents between a rock and a hard place in InvestiGators: Braver and Boulder, the latest chapter in the hilarious New York Times bestselling adventure graphic novel series from John Patrick Green.The InvestiGators...
Sherlock Sam 16: The Digital Detectives On Instanoodlegram
The adventures of the Supper Club continue! Eliza finds herself alone and friendless in her new school. When she suspects a famous video game influencer has gone missing, Eliza immediately calls Sherlock Sam, Watson and the Supper Club to investigate....
漫画西游记 得真经修成正果 - Journey to the West: Obtaining the True Scripture and Achieving Perfection
作者简介:以多年的传统经验,和新颖的创意经营,开创多广度产品以供孩子们学习,不论是文学类、绘本、幼儿系列以及教具类……多项产品,站在鼓励孩子多读书的立场,开发极具教育性、趣味性书籍,在愉快中学习成长,才是真正掌握孩子美好未来的基石。作品有《宝宝翻翻童话》、《经典名着大迷宫》、《公主王子成长绘本》……等。 得真经修成正果 历千辛万苦,唐僧一行终于得以脱胎换骨来到灵山,取得有字真经,并一一受封佛号,返回大唐途中,遭遇落水之难,原来这才是九九八十一难的最后一关。 增列西游记内容重要典故说明,补充相关知识。 说明内容成语,以解释、造句、出处、同异义词教导,深入浅出完全理解经典名着。 Learn about the trials and tribulations of Tang Sanzang and his followers as they journey to obtain the True Scripture and achieve enlightenment. Complete with important historical context, idioms, and explanations for a deeper understanding....
趣趣名著系列:三国演义 -Interesting Classics Series: Romance of the Three Kingdoms
为中国四大古典小说之一,内文将以浅显的文字,搭配上彩色抽图,使整个故事变得更加生动有趣,不仅能让孩子轻松阅读故事内容,激发想象力,更能借此培养孩子明辨是非的正确观念。 Join the journey with the 趣趣名著系列:三国演义, one of China's most renowned classical novels. Written in simple language, vivid illustrations bring the story to life, engaging children to read and imagine while instilling moral values. A must-have series to educate...
世界的童话-爱学习的孩子 - Fairy tales of the world - children who love learning
从错误中学习也是一种帮助孩子成长的方式之一,就由故事中的主角们,经由挫折或失败的例子,让孩子在故事中就能进行反思与改进,进而在现实生活中警惕自己;孩子在犯错时,请给予关心和了解,并指正孩子正确的行为。 每篇故事配有精美彩色插图,藉由图文搭配的方式,孩子在阅读中可得到更多的乐趣,享受视觉、思考的学习教育。 本系列书籍以精装泡棉方式包装,搭配内文的大型注音字体,让年纪较小的孩子能便于阅读且轻便携带。 "Teach children the valuable lesson of learning from mistakes through the enchanting world of fairy tales. Colorful illustrations and phonetic fonts make reading fun and engaging. Encourage self-reflection and growth in children with examples of overcoming setbacks...
宝宝好性格故事:我能行 - Stories about babies with good personalities: I can do it
宝宝在慢慢成长,也在一步步走向独立。《宝宝好性格故事:我能行》是我们为正走向独立的宝宝献上的一份礼物。这是适合家长和宝宝一起阅读的故事书,寓道理于故事中,帮助宝宝培养独立的人生观,书中还配以生动可爱的插图,使宝宝在阅读故事时,能获得心灵的启迪和美的享受。我们由衷希望宝宝能够养成独立自信的好性格,奠定优质人生的基础。本书包含了5则小故事,故事内容贴近生活情境,不仅能说出孩子的心声,容易产生共鸣,还能引发孩子思考。<故事妈妈的小魔法>单元,结合了育儿建议与技巧,方便家长在亲子阅读时进行引导,从中学得与孩子相处沟通的最佳方式。 Help your baby grow and gain independence with "Good Character Stories: I Can Do It". This collection of 5 relatable stories, paired with practical parenting advice and colorful illustrations, will inspire your child to develop positive character traits and...
The 13-Storey Treehouse
The 13-Storey Treehouse is the first book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.Andy and Terry live in the WORLD'S BEST treehouse! It's...
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156-Storey Treehouse
They’ve added 13 new levels, including a wishing well, a world-record breaking level, a T.V quiz show (hosted by Quizzy the quizzical quizbot) and an amazing mind-reading sandwich-making machine!It’s the night before Christmas, but it’s not going well for Andy...
Sherlock Sam 15: And The Seafaring Scourage On Sentosa
The adventures of the Supper Club continue! In Sherlock Sam and the Seafaring Scourge on Sentosa, Sherlock and the Supper Club find themselves on a collision course with their most dangerous foe yet!A collector’s priceless artifacts have been stolen and...
西游记绘本-花果山美猴王 - Journey to the West - The Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain
轰隆轰隆,石头裂开了,诞生了一只小石猴。 吱吱吱吱,小石猴和猴子们每天开心的玩耍。 这一天,他们结伴去森林深处找水的源头。 他们能找到吗? 会不会发生什么事呢? 《西游记绘本》以浅显的文字与逗趣的画风,重新诠释、改编《西游记》的故事,希望带领小小孩进入充满想象力与趣味性的《西游记》世界! 现在,请和我们一起到花果山找美猴王吧! "Discover the legendary journey with 西游记绘本-花果山美猴王 (Journey to the West - The Monkey King in Huaguo Mountain) picture book. Follow the playful stone monkey and his monkey friends as they embark on an...
漫画西游记 六耳猴真假难辨 - Journey to the West: It’s hard to tell the authenticity of the six-eared monkey
作者简介:以多年的传统经验,和新颖的创意经营,开创多广度产品以供孩子们学习,不论是文学类、绘本、幼儿系列以及教具类……多项产品,站在鼓励孩子多读书的立场,开发极具教育性、趣味性书籍,在愉快中学习成长,才是真正掌握孩子美好未来的基石。作品有《宝宝翻翻童话》、《经典名着大迷宫》、《公主王子成长绘本》……等。 六耳猴真假难辨 最适合国中小学寓教于乐的知识性漫画超搞笑 现代口语化方式,谁说学习不能大爆笑 唐僧一行人享受了一段平静的路,没想到悟空又被唐僧误会,到观世音面前诉苦时,被假猴王趁机抢走唐僧行李。真假猴王难辨虚实,玉皇大帝、观世音、地藏菩萨皆束手无策,最后杀手?请出如来佛祖,能否成功呢? Join Tang Seng and his companions on a hilarious and educational journey in "漫画西游记 六耳猴真假难辨." This modern, comedic adaptation is perfect for young learners, as it cleverly combines knowledge with laughter. Will anyone be able...

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