Primary 5 Score in Higher Chinese 高级华文每课练习
《小学高级华文每课练习》根据《欢乐伙伴》课本编写,紧密结合课文的生字新词,每课设计一个练习。每课练习前先复习课文识读词语,习写课文识写字,并熟悉其常用的词语搭配,以加深对学习内容的理解与掌握。出题方式配合校方规定题型,项目多元化,内容充实,对巩固课堂所学和准备考试非常有帮助。Primary Score in Higher Chinese is written based on the Higher Chinesetextbook and syllabus. Each practice is equipped with topic word list,penmanship exercise and a list of common collocations to enhance pupils’ understanding. This series also prepare pupils well for...
Primary 5 Chinese Practice 1000+ 华文1000题
《华文1000题》是根据教育部颁布的最新华文和高级华文课本编写。《华文1000题》是根据教育部颁布的《试题蓝图》分项设计,层面广泛、内容丰富、形式多样化。分项练习能让学生全面练习每课课文的新词,并了解每项练习出题的方式。《华文1000题》在每一项的练习前也给予作答技巧。学生通过充足的分项练习,必定能满怀信心地应付考试。 This series categorises exercises into various components, giving both Chinese and Higher Chinese pupils a comprehensive revision.

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